@database Worm.guide @node Main "Worm" Worm - a Public-screen "Worm" drawing tool based on the SUN-Unix original Version 1.1a Author: Tim Kreuzer (and the KreuzerSoft support team) Original Amiga port: Chuck McManis Original Author (SUN-Unix): Brad Taylor This version: Copyright 1994 by Timothy B. Kreuzer. All rights reserved Language: SAC/C V6.5 @{"Features" link features} @{"Limitations" link limitations} @{"Release Notes" link releasenotes} @{"Why did I create Worm?" link why} @{"Getting started with Worm" link gettingstarted} @{"Explanation of the Worm menus" link explanation} @{"Icon Tooltypes" link icon} @{"Credits" link credits} @{"Contacting the Author" link contactingtheauthor} @{"Legal Stuff" link legalstuff} @{"KreuzerSoft Products" link kreuzersoftproducts} @endnode @node features "Features" - Opens on the default public screen (initially the Workbench) - Uses existing public screen palette - Resizable display window - Intuition menu interface w/keyboard shortcuts - Worm speed/length/number controls - Supports icon tooltypes for window position and size - Tested OK using the Enforcer @endnode @node limitations "Limitations" - Can only be used from thw Workbench (start via Icon) - Requires a 68020+ CPU - Requires AmigaDOS 3.0(+) - Requires "# of screen colors" of 4 or greater @endnode @node releasenotes "Release Notes" ------------------ Version 1.1a Notes ----------------- Changed menus to the "Newlook menus" used in AmigaDOS 3.0+ Added "About" requester and menu option Max size of the Worm window now equal to the screen size ------------------ Version 1.1 Notes ----------------- This version of Worm offers no new "apparent" functionality, but does incorporate a major revision of the user interface After playing around with Worm for a while, I realized that I didn't like having all the "adjustment gadgets" on the Worm window. After you found the settings you liked, you still had these control gadgets staring you in the face. Therefore, I changed all the control functions from being gadget- based to being menu-based I also wanted to get away from a "fixed" window size. Moving to a menu- driven user interface has allowed this enhancement to occur as well In order to keep the menu sizes under control, this version limits the total number of worms and their lengths to 20 (down from 99 in the previous version). I hope that this is a reasonable compromise for everyone ------------------ Version 1.0 Notes ----------------- Initial release @endnode @node why "Why did I create Worm?" I have been lucky to work as a C programmer on SUN-UNIX-XWindows systems for a few years, and always have been envious of the nifty "eye candy" types of programs which are distributed with these systems As the Amiga platform is now capable of supporting higher screen resolutions and number of colors (A1200/A4000), the Amiga is finally at the point where a true "desktop" type of environment is becoming feasible (as opposed to each and every application opening their own screen) Worm is my attempt to provide an initial "desktop" environment "eye candy" program for the Amiga Note that all the internal workings of Worm are a direct copy of Chuck McManis's Worm program (FF Disk #218) I will take credit for the User Interface design/implementation, as well as the addition of the "Speed" control, as none of these are present in Mr. McManis's original Amiga version @endnode @node gettingstarted "Getting started with Worm" Just click on the Worm icon. Worm will detect the number of colors available on the default Public Screen, and open it's window on this screen After the window open, select the "Go" item in the Controls menu to start the worms a-movin Note that the Workbench screen is the standard default Public Screen @endnode @node explanation "Explanation of the Worm menus" Worm is controlled via selections from it's menus There are also "Right Amiga key" equivalents for many menu items The five Worm menus are: Control, Width, Number, Length, and Speed @{"Control menu" beep 0} Go - Starts the display of worms based upon the (Right Amiga-g) worm length (Length menu), worm width (Width menu), and number of worm (Number menu) Selecting Go will disable the Length/Width/ Number menus. To change these parameters, select Stop, change what you wish to, and select Go again The worm speed control (Speed menu) is active at all times Stop - Freezes the display of worms, and allows you (Right Amiga-s) to alter the three types of physical worm characteristics via the Length/Width/Number menus "Stop" ALLOWS YOU TO LEAVE WORM UP AND RUNNING WHILE YOU DO OTHER CPU "CRUNCHING" TYPES OF THINGS! See follow two UPPER CASE notes for more ideas on minimizing CPU load Quit - Quits the program. You can also quit by (Right Amiga-q) clicking the close button on the Worm window About - Brings up an info requester @{"Width menu" beep 0} Controls the worm width (all worms) @{"Number menu" beep 0} Controls the total number of worms NOTE THAT A LOWER NUMBER OF WORMS WILL MINIMIZE THE CPU TIME THAT WORM UTILIZES! @{"Length menu" beep 0} Controls the worm length (all worms) @{"Speed menu" beep 0} Controls the speed of the worm movement (Right Amiga-1/9) Range is 1 (slowest) to 9 (fastest) NOTE THAT A LOWER SPEED VALUE WILL MINIMIZE THE CPU TIME THAT WORM UTILIZES! @endnode @node icon "Icon Tooltypes" Worm recognizes the following Tooltypes within it's icon: X= - The X-coordinate at which the Worm window will initially open Y= - The Y-coordinate at which the Worm window will initially open WIDTH= - The width (in pixels) of the Worm window when it initially opens HEIGHT= - The height (in pixels) of the Worm window when it initially opens @endnode @node credits "Credits" The GUI for Worm was developed using Jan van den Baards' wonderful GadToolsBox Thanks to the KreuzerSoft support team Thanks to the Nations Capital Amiga Users Group (NCUAG) Major thanks to Dave at Buried Treasure in Rockville, MD ********************************************************************* ** Please patronize your local Amiga dealers (like Dave), everyone ** ** ** ** Most of these people are NOT making tons of $$$$, so if you'd ** ** like to keep a local presence in your area, GO BUY SOMETHING! ** ********************************************************************* Thanks to Commodore for the Amiga, and to Jan van den Baard for making the development of GUI's on the Amiga child's play Special thanks to Dr. LoPresti and Bruce Forbes (BArF) for their "C" expertise! Thanks to Randy Thompson and Rhett Anderson for "Mapping the Amiga/ Second Edition". Finally, some type of 3.0 "C" book! @endnode @node contactingtheauthor "Contacting the Author" I'd really like to hear any feedback you have regarding Worm I can be reached via any of the following methods: - tkreuzer@delphi.com on the Internet - T.KREUZER on GEnie - via regular mail at: 6711A N. Washington Blvd. Arlington, VA 22213 @endnode @node legalstuff "Legal Stuff" Worm Version 1.1a Copyright 1994 by Timothy B. Kreuzer. All rights reserved You are hereby granted the freedom to distribute Worm IF, AND ONLY IF the following rules are followed: - This doc file MUST be kept with the executable(s), and must include the above copyright notice - You may NOT charge ANY fee for this program, other than the basic cost of distribution media and/or BBS access. Of course if you want to pursue selling this, feel free drop me a line Fred Fish is hereby granted permission to include this program (and it's accompanying documentation) in his excellent collection of Amiga software @endnode @node kreuzersoftproducts "KreuzerSoft Products" The following KreuzerSoft projects are (hopefully) available on a BBS near you: PST V1.0a - Public Screen utility for 3.0/AGA PaletteTool V1.4 - Public Screen palette program for 3.0/AGA Fractal V1.3 - Mandelbrot set program for 3.0/AGA LyapunovSpace V1.2 - Lyapunov fractal program for 3.0/AGA Terrain V1.1 - 3-D fractal terrain program for 3.0/AGA FindColor V1.0a - "Color-by-Name" selector for 3.0/AGA DLA - Diffusion Limited Aggregation simulation for all Amigas Jimi - 8-color Jimi Hendrix image for your Workbench. MemTool - Memory monitor tool for the Workbench Reminder V1.1 - Timed reminder tool for the Workbench All for the incredibly low, low price of FREE! @endnode